
Management Structure
With over 39 years of experience and unparalleled attention to detail, Ward Bros specialise in the complex nature of projects, beginning with identifying any potential risks and maintaining a focus on safety. Our reputation of excellence and precession is growing. Ward Bros has built a reputation for reliability and quality workmanship and attribute our success to the capabilities and experience of our key personnel, subcontractor and employees.
Our highly skilled workforce consists of Project Managers, Engineers, Construction Supervisors, Builders, Form workers, Steel fixers, Concreters, Welders, Operators and Labourers. At Ward Bros, we take pride knowing that we can deliver the best quality work on time and on budget.
OHS System
Ward Bros commitment to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, contractors and visitors, through enhanced and integrated regulatory compliance in accordance with the various Occupational Health and Safety Acts, Legislation and standards including AS/NZS ISO45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems.
Ward Bros principal goal is to continually improve the health and safety workplace environment to prevent injuries and illnesses. Everyone has a responsibility for safety including their own and others.
Quality System
Ward Bros will aim to maintain certification to AS/NZS ISO 9001. The company is committed to continual improvement consistent with this Quality Standard.
Ward Bros are committed to supplying its customers with services that meet or exceed their requirements for service quality responsiveness. The quality and reliability of our services are the concern of every person in the company.
Project & Construction Management
A construction plan is developed and outlines how construction will be achieved, controlled and managed. The construction plan key elements are communicated to all key personnel, subcontractors and employees in a pre-construction meeting. As the project precedes task planning and construction meetings are used to communicate expectations of the project to key personnel, subcontractors and employees. All personnel engaged on projects (supervisors and employee / sub-contractors) will be prompted of their responsibilities and accountabilities that contribute through the induction process. The effective implementation of construction programs, drawings and technical specifications will be the responsibility of the Operations Manager, Systems Manager and supervisors to see that the Ward Bros crews and Sub Contractors assume their responsibility.
Training and Development
Management places great emphasis on thorough training of employees and the development efficient work practices, so that practices can be completed in a minimum of time. The savings are reflected in the lower costs to client and better conditions for our employees.
All staff are trained in all aspects of our operation and have a good understanding of what is required to maintain a safe work environment and to obtain the best result for the client and company. Ward Bros maintains a commitment to keeping its staff certification for first aid current. The organisation has a program of continuous self-improvement for all staff members.
Customer Liaison and Representation Skills
We have found that employing the right people to do the right job is imperative. Building a good repours and consulting prior to the work commencing has always been a positive approach. Just as important is to keep all relevant people constantly informed. Using an up to date daily tracking spread sheet is imperative to maintain a good flow the project.
Our belief is that good consultation prior to commencement is the key to minimising any issue.